The Bradford Rant Institute of Cosmic Kinesis was
founded in 1984 by Bradford Rant; a brilliant astrophysicist and
inter-dimensional theorist.
The Institute seeks to carry on the
work of our founder, Bradford Rant, in investigating and proving his
theory of cosmic kinesis.
Graduating with honors from Herschel University’s
Faculty of Applied Sciences (Astrophysics) in 1965, Bradford Rant
completed a Masters in Physical Cosmology at the Messier Institute of
Technology; writing his thesis on a critical analysis of Flügel’s
multi-universe interpretation (MUI).
In the 1970s, Rant worked as a special assistant to
Italian physicist Giacomo ‘Como’ Berenices, before returning to the
United States to take a position at 31324a0d0a
It was during this period that Rant took an interest
in the study of heliophysics. Though largely an environmental science,
heliophysics exposed Rant to the notion of interactivity and in 1974,
combined with his studies of MUI, he developed the basis of a theory
what would come to be known as cosmic kinesis.
Two years and many drafts later, Rant completed his Theory of cosmic kinesis as it relates to negative curvature.
Despite being comprehensively referenced, and containing an
introduction from the eminent MUI advocate, Kennard de Fleur-Rimny, Rant
had little success in gaining support among colleagues for his work and
he failed to secure peer reviews for the paper.
Suspecting larger forces were responsible for his
ostracism from the astrophysics community and sacked without warning
from his position at 363536303638, Rant
decided to set up his own organisation in order to further his research.
In 1984, the Bradford Rant Institute of Cosmic Kinesis was founded.
A year later, Rant disappeared while on a scientific expedition to Easter Island. He was never seen again.
Who are we?
Dr John Deutschendorf, M.E.Sci, Sc.D, B.Mid
only recorded civilian to have been given access to the U.S. Air
Force's Nellis Military Operations Area, John has worked in a variety of
government and private sector roles. He is perhaps best known in
scientific circles for his pioneering work in the field of
archaeoastronomy. John spent two years at the Newgrange site in Ireland
and before that, four and a half years studying the Nazca geoglyphs in
southern Peru. He was hand-picked for the Institute by Brandford Rant
himself and was instrumental, along with Professor Wendt, in developing
its extensive library of metaphysical and mytho-cosmological materials.
Professor Gunther Wendt, BTheol, MSc (Astr)
A colleague of Bradford Rant at 36393935393732,
Gunther is a dedicated astrophysicist who holds a special interest in
astronomical codification from historical and metaphysical perspectives.
He also likes cooking.
Dr Nigel Ponsford-Stand, EngD, DSc
youngest ever winner of the prestigious Kepler Prize, Nigel applied his
cosmology background to the practicalities of engineering, with a focus
on astronautics. Working under the eminent physicist, Ramon Raquello,
Nigel expanded his studies to include Near-Earth Object (NEO)
exploration which brought him into contact with the work of Bradford
Rant. He joined the Institute in 2003.
Cosmic Kinesis
The following is an extract from Bradford Rant's 1976 paper, 'Theory of cosmic kinesis as it relates to negative curvature':
... if, as suggested by Flügel's interpretation, quantum decoherence
is a valid mechanism to explain the subjective appearance of
wavefunction collapse - and considering all subsequent resolutions based
on this formulation - then one can only come to the conclusion that
there are potentially numerous universes other than our own in
Given documentation of celestial motion, it is also entirely
plausible that these multiple universes are shifting. And when one adds
negative curvature into the equation, the potential for intersection
along universal paths of transit becomes a distinct possibility. .
Although little documentation of such occurrences exist in official
records, certain cosmic phenomena and entities lend significant weight
to this hypothesis.
Universal expansion caused by the origin of the universe (known popularly as the Big Bang)
suggests that movement is intrinsic in the universe. And though critics
of this theory claim that it is not the universe that is shifting but
galaxies - giving the appearance of an expanding universe - the one
constant in these opposing schools of thought is the presence of dark energy.
For theorists in both camps, dark energy, which is said to make up
approximately 70% of the universe, is the essence that causes movement
in (or of) the universe. One thing all can agree upon is that no one is
certain what this dark energy is. When one considers that the observable
universe is just a small fraction of the estimated total size of the
universe (around 5%), it is not surprising that little is known about
the origin, composition and purpose of dark energy.
It is this author's contention that dark energy is in fact a separate
and distinct universe that, via kinetic forces, has shifted into
alignment with our own. The cosmic element that many in the scientific
community refer to as dark matter and attribute to roughly 25% of
the universe is, in this scientist's opinion, not merely another
section of the universe, but a nebulous area that signifies the
intersection between two universes along a singular path of transit.
Once again, the scientific community is at odds over the exact composition and nature of dark matter, but, like dark energy,
they are in agreement over the possibilities; such as super massive
black holes, small stars, brown dwarfs (the recently coined replacement
term for black dwarfs) and a mix of subatomic particles. And
there would appear to be general agreement on the existence of
interstellar movement, or cosmic kinesis...